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Aug 2016
LAPPL Board of Directors meet with L.A. Mayoral Candidate Mitchell Schwartz
LAPPL Board of Directors

Today, the Los Angeles Police Protective League Board of Directors met with Mayoral Candidate Mitchell Schwartz to listen to his ideas about reducing crime, increasing the number of police officers patrolling our streets and improving our city.

The League Directors also shared with Mitchell examples of the chronic understaffing faced by our patrol divisions. They strongly urged him to support the utilization of overtime to put in place a baseline patrol staffing model to help keep our city safe. Other topics of discussion included fixing our broken workers’ compensation system, making sure civilians are performing civilian work so that police officers can perform police duties, and revamping the unfair Board of Rights disciplinary structure.

The Board of Directors appreciated Mitchell’s candor and openness, as well as many of his stances on the issues that Los Angeles faces. To learn more about Mitchell, please click here.

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