The Los Angeles Police Protective League, and its affiliates, will continue to protect those who protect others. The LAPPL is affiliated with the following organizations on the national and state level:
National Association of Police Organizations, representing nearly 220,000 police officer members in 4,000 police associations nationwide.
NAPO's 'The Washington Report' FLASH - January 15, 2013
NAPO's 'The Washington Report' January 2013 Special Edition - Fiscal Cliff
California Coalition of Law Enforcement Associations, representing 28 California police officer associations.
BIG 11
BIG 11 is an informal association of the 11 largest sworn law enforcement associations in the State of California.
Southern California Alliance of Law Enforcement, representing 10 police officer associations.
BIG 50
An informal association of the 50 largest law enforcement associations in the United States.